Thank you for your interest in SENSATION with THEATRE Q in Asbury Park, NJ! We are thrilled that you would like to tape for this project.


For your self-tape submission, please include the following:

-Slate: Name, Height, Location and let us know if you are available for an in-person callback on August 5th. (if you are not, you should tape anyway for consideration)
-The scene side for your requested character(s) which you can access below.
-One non-Drag Headshot/Photo and one Full Drag Headshot/Photo
-A brief clip of your drag performance or a lip-sync in drag


CLAIRE VIEW (Click here to access material)

LADY OLIVIA MONROE (Click here to access material)

DIANA SENSATION (Click here to access material)

DISARRAY (Click here to access material)

NICK/BRANDI NEUX (Click here to access material)


Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions! We look forward to your submissions!