Hello there – We are thrilled you will be submitting for Elf National Tour! Please click on your requested role(s) and follow the instructions on the cover page which detail for you how and what to tape. If there are song cuts in your packets, MP3s are included below for your use…

Note: Please ONLY submit if you have received an invitation to submit from us via email or EcoCast. We are not accepting unsolicited submissions at this time. Thank you for your understanding.


BUDDY (Click here to access material)

MP3s for BUDDY SONG (Click here to access material)


DEB (Click here to access material)

*No show song for Deb to prepare


EMILY (Click here to access material)

MP3s for EMILY SONG (Click here to access material)


JOVIE (Click here to access material)

MP3s for JOVIE SONG (Click here to access material)


MANAGER/GREENWAY (Click here to access material)

*No show song for Walter to prepare


MICHAEL (Click here to access material)

MP3s for MICHAEL SONG (Click here to access material)


SANTA (Click here to access material)

*No show song for Santa to prepare


WALTER (Click here to access material)

*No show song for Walter to prepare


FEMALE – IDENTIFYING ENSEMBLE (Click here to access material)

MP3s for ENSEMBLE SONG (Click here to access material)


MALE – IDENTIFYING ENSEMBLE (Click here to access material)

MP3s for ENSEMBLE SONG (Click here to access material)

Note: Dancing Ensemble will be invited directly to an in-person Dance Call in NYC on 4/2. There will be no self-tape initial submission for dancers at this time. We will be asking only Singing Ensemble to submit an initial tape.