We are thrilled you are interested in being a part of THIS IS NOT A DRILL – 29 HOUR READING in NYC!
For your self tape, please access the material for your requested role below and follow the full instructions on the cover page of your packet for what/how to tape for this. MP3 tracks and Demos have been provided for all roles with show songs. Reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
Please note: This is an Ensemble driven piece and the ENTIRE CAST will be utilized to fill out the group ensemble numbers as needed.
When preparing – do not feel like you have to memorize this material – feel free to hold the material in your self-tape.
We look forward to your submissions!
KALEO (Click here to access material)
ANONYMOUS BUTTON GUY (Click here to access material)
CHRIS (Click here to access material)
ENSEMBLE 1 – TRUMP & OTHERS (Click here to access material)
*track without vocals coming soon for this role – please check back on Wednesday.
ENSEMBLE 2 – KIM JONG-UN & OTHERS (Click here to access material)
*track without vocals coming soon for this role – please check back on Wednesday
ENSEMBLE 3 – LAURA, MADELINE L& OTHERS (Click here to access material)
ENSEMBLE 4 – STEVE & OTHERS (Click here to access material)
IKAIA (Click here to access material)
JESSICA (Click here to access material)
** FOR JESSICA’S SONG – Please note that the team made cut from bar 48 through bar 55, so the song skips from bar 47 to bar 56. Also Bars 72-75 are out. Tell them the live vocal and instrumental tracks are correct. **
SOPHIE (Click here to access material)
AEA 29 Hour Reading
Consulting Producer: Jack Lane
Company Manager: Evan Bernardin Productions
Director: Luis Salgado
Musical Director: Paul Bogaev
Conception, Book, Music & Lyrics: Holly Doubet
Co-writers Music & Lyrics: Kathy Babylon & John Vester
Co-writer Book: Joseph McDonough
Casting Director: Wojcik Casting Team
Contract: AEA 29-hour Staged Reading
Pay: $400 + 8% AEA pension Location: Theatre Row Theatre 4, NYC
Dates: March 23th – 28th, 2025
THIS IS NOT A DRILL – The Musical is based on the true events experienced by its conceptor, Holly Doubet, that occurred while she was on vacation in Hawaii in January of 2018. The story follows the journeys of its diverse characters who experience shock and panic after receiving an official emergency alert: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.”
This is an Ensemble driven piece and the ENTIRE CAST will be utilized to fill out the group ensemble numbers as needed.
JESSICA: (30s-40s, Female-Presenting) An author and young mother of two children. After the heartbreaking news that her husband has been cheating on her, she flies to Hawaii to spend time on her own to contemplate her future and regain her personal power. Strong Singer, driving Belt-Mix with Soprano.
TONY: (30s, Male-Presenting) The hard-working, resistant partner of Chris, who is having a hard time enjoying the trip to Hawaii. They have come to the Island for a much-needed vacation after a failed adoption attempt. Strong Tenor (THIS ROLE IS CAST- Seeking Back Ups)
CHRIS: (30s, Male-Presenting) The fun-loving, charming partner of Tony, who just wants to have a great time with his partner on this trip. They have come to the Island for a much-needed vacation after a failed adoption attempt. Strong Tenor
KALEO: (40s, Male -Presenting, Asian Descent) A Hawaiian resident, he runs the hotel’s lū’au show but is conflicted by carrying on the traditions of the Hawaiian life through island tourism versus finding a new path. Tenor/Baritenor (THIS ROLE IS CAST – Seeking Back Ups)
LEILANI: (40s, Female-Presenting, Asian Descent) A Hawaiian resident, she is married to Kaleo and is the choreographer of the hotel’s lū’au show. She is fighting to keep her family together amidst the unknown. Mezzo (THIS ROLE IS CAST – Seeking Back Ups)
IKAIA: (15 or 18+ to play teen – Male Presenting, Asian Descent) Kaleo and Leilani’s son and is “over” the traditions of the Island and is trying to pull away from the family to assert his own independence. Slightly defiant, but loveable. Tenor with personality
SOPHIE: (50s/60s, Female-Presenting, Black) On a trip with her husband to rediscover the love for each other which they have been questioning. Strong Mezzo Belt in Pop/R&B style.
DEREK: (50s/60s, Male-Presenting, Black). On a trip with his wife to rediscover the love for each other which they have been questioning. Strong Bari-tenor Belt in Pop/R&B style. THIS ROLE IS CAST – Seeking Back Ups)
ANONYMOUS BUTTON GUY: (20s-40s, Male-Presenting) He sends out the emergency alert. Unhinged, neurotic, scattered, unpredictable, and quirky, he is the comic relief. Rock tenor
ENSEMBLE 1 (40s-60s, Male-Presenting) Will play multiple roles throughout the piece, including Trump. Must have strong comedic instincts. Ensemble Singing. Trump-style rap.
ENSEMBLE 2: (30s-50s, All Gender Identities, Asian Descent) Will play multiple roles throughout the piece, including Kim Jong-Un. Must have strong comedic instincts. Ensemble Singing – Kim Jong-Un style rap.
ENSEMBLE 3: (Also LAURA and MADELINE) Will play multiple roles throughout the piece, including Laura, Jessica’s concerned and opinionated mother and Madeline, the Manager of the Hotel who is trying to keep it together. Comedic instincts a plus. Strong actor/singer with Soprano notes.
ENSEMBLE 4: (30s-40s, Male-Presenting) Will play multiple roles throughout the piece, including Steve, the self-absorbed, soon-to-be ex-husband of Jessica. Ensemble Singing.